Many home and apartment owners would love to turn one of the walls in their bedrooms into a real art gallery. However, most of them hesitate to take a crucial step and hang up the wrong picture or ruin the bedroom decor. Today there are a considerable number of ways how to decorate a bedroom with art painting canvas. However, it is vital to properly combine the required art objects into a harmonious and stylish composition.
Choose the order of pictures arrangement
Before you start hanging art on the wall, you need to choose the right height and size for your composition. Do not place paintings too high. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to admire them. Therefore, the first thing to do is stand in front of the place where you plan to hang the picture and roughly mark the point at the level of your eyes.
In this case, you do not need to raise or lower your head. Just look at the wall naturally. Having noted the appropriate level, mentally step back 2-3 cm up and make another mark. It is in this place that the lower part of the canvas should be located.
The best option would be to create an art form that will occupy 75-90% of the furniture's width. We have previously written how to decorate an office with art oil painting. Perhaps our advice will also be useful to you.